What does the world’s most expensive tea taste like? At the Virgin White Tea Estate in Handunugoda you’ll see how Silver Tips or white tea is grown and produced. This lowland plantation - one of the closest estates to the ocean, is just 20 minutes from Tri. It's named after an ancient method followed by imperial courts in China. Learn all about growing and manufacturing white tea, and taste it too. Their shop also has a variety of teas to buy.
White tea comes from a 4000 year old Chinese tradition.
Virgin White Tea is the rarest type of white tea.
It is the only tea in the world that’s completely untouched by bare skin from bush to brew.
'Herman Virgin White' has an antioxidant content of 10.11% - the highest naturally
occurring content of antioxidants in any beverage.
Plucking white tea needs expertise: carefully snipped while young buds are still covered
in fine white hairs.